
How to Adapt Your Site to the Latest Update of the Google Algorithm

The SEO as we have always said is not an exact science, in the sense that it is not “given forever” and there is no magic formula.

All “fault” of Google that, in an attempt to improve the quality of search results (for the benefit of users, rightly), continuously releases updates (3 only in 2018 so far).

The latest update of the Google algorithm was released last August 1 and caused quite a few problems with the positioning of many websites especially related to video animation service production houses.

It is therefore important to understand how to adapt your website or if you are a web developer, that of your customers in order to lose positions in the SERP.

Update of the Google algorithm: the first consequences

Given that some time has already passed since the release of this important update, we already have some data on which to make some consideration.

The first concerns the sectors that have suffered most from the point of view of positioning. According to data from Sistrix, the websites that deal with health, wealth and finance services and products are those that have suffered the most “losses”, followed closely by e-commerce.

The second concerns the identification of those factors that have most impacted and will affect the positioning following the update of the algorithm of Google, namely:

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Mobile first-index: for some time now, Google has been giving preference to mobile-optimized content, making it appear at the top of search results.

Contents and internal linking: Google now “accepts” only high-quality content and well connected to each other through a linking logic tailored to the needs of users.

Speed: the speed of the site is another of those factors to keep an eye on. When content takes so long to load on users’ browsers, it’s not a good sign for SEO…

How to improve performance based on the new algorithm

It is therefore on these three aspects that you should concentrate on improving the SEO performance of your website. Let’s see together how.

As for the Mobile first-index, we recommend optimizing the use of clear information to the spiders of Google, or to use the HTML tags correctly. So for example the main title of a page must be like this:

The titles of the paragraphs

This allows Google to correctly classify information. Also never hide in the mobile version of the content present in that desktop, but rather to try to find appropriate solutions to ensure that all content is always available to users. Finally, try to do without the pop-ups that bother and cover the view.

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As mentioned before, the health and finance sites are the ones that have suffered the new update of the algorithm of Google. In fact, for this type of website, users request content that is able to convey competence, authority, and trust. It has not always been so, unfortunately, as very often it is content written by improvised bloggers and not experts in the field. So the advice is to publish only quality content and then created or supervised by those who are profound connoisseurs of the subject.

Lastly the speed. Google now will then take into account the speed of your website for a good indexing of content. So arm yourself with patience and try to optimize it as much as possible even from this point of view following the guidelines of Google itself or the many tools (even free) that you can find online.

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