
How to Write Great Content That Market Itself

how to write great content

 Online content marketing is becoming a big deal, and the bigger of a deal; it becomes the less genuine and organic the content of the internet will be.

Marketing your blog posts could probably be as big of a job as you wanted it to be. There are enough ways and methods of marketing content that someone could spend a full workday doing nothing else.

As people master the art of SEO and online marketing, the methods that work the best get repeated and rehashed repeatedly. In a sense, it becomes more valuable to know how to work the system than it is to write a great post.

To be clear, doing your research and being keyword thrifty is fine, but it shouldn’t ever become your primary focus.

The reason is that a well-written blog post or article will do a lot of the footwork on its own and will eventually market itself because of its inherent usefulness and value.

The Qualities of a Marketable Post

A blog post can and will market itself under the right construction and circumstances. If you’re able to build your content with a certain level of quality, expertise and genuine interest in the topic, you’re likely to create something that people will want to look at on their own. That’s a far better option than throwing it in front of a lot of eyes and hoping that a few will get curious.

The web has a way of pushing the good stuff out to a lot of people. If you want your post to get noticed, make sure it has the following qualities:

  • Not written as a fill-in post 

Business blogs run into this problem a lot. It’s often the temptation to add something to the blog to keep it up and running while other more pressing issues are taken care of. Yet even those who would consider themselves full-time bloggers can be tempted to post something as a fill-in. This is all but a waste of time. Quick and short filler articles have no real value to your readers or the rest of the internet community.

  • Includes a high amount of informative substance 

Substantive information, though one of the most necessities for a blog post is often lacking. People who read blogs are almost always looking for some form of help or answers. If your blog delivers that in detail and a full explanation, then your post is ahead of the pack.

  • Minimal Fluff and Meaty Paragraphs 

Though blog paragraphs are often short (and should be), they should be as meaty as possible in terms of delivering different bits of information and aspects about the subject matter and the overall goal of the post. Even your intro should be about the big picture and should indicate clearly to the reader what they are about to read and what kind of information they’re about to gain access. Your paragraphs should be focused on and devoted to the task of delivering the answers to the reader’s questions.

  • A resource in and of itself 

If your content could be viewed and used as a resource, you’re likely to have little or no trouble getting it marketed to at least a portion of your niche’s internet community. While a blog post can draw on resources, it should be a resource in and of itself. This is where the writer’s expertise and knowledge of the subject matter come into play. You can certainly draw on the research and findings of others, but when it’s all said and done, people need answers, and they often need them from a fresh perspective. If you can deliver those answers and that perspective, that’s more than half the battle.

Also read  How to Improve Your B2B Prospects With Digital Marketing?

Letting Your Writing Do the Work

If your posts have these qualities and you routinely write in a way that includes substantive information from a fresh perspective, then all you need to do is be patient. Your content will eventually market itself, and while it never hurts to know the basics of online marketing and SEO, know that those aren’t going to be the ultimate keys to your success.

SEO and marketing aren’t silver bullets. They’re a tool in your hand that never designed to create shortcuts. Please keep them in the proper perspective and continue to write useful and informative blog posts.

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