
How to Succeed in Your Reseller Hosting With the Right Use of Keywords?

reseller hosting

The increasing number of websites across the world has heavily benefited the web hosting industry. However, the better opportunities have attracted a large number of players and thus the competition has increased manifolds. One of the best ways to enjoy a greater market share for the huge web hosting companies is to make partners or hosting resellers who buy reseller hosting plans in the bulk and sell the same to the end customer after adding their profit margin. But again, the number of hosting resellers is also multiplying rapidly. However, if you adopt the right strategies you can easily acquire a decent position and get good rewards while enjoying the entrepreneurial freedom. As web hosting is a digital product it is much easier to sell the same over the internet. Having your digital storefront is the first requirement but more importantly, you should ensure that your storefront or website should get a good ranking if you really want to attract the maximum number of potential clients. Designing a great storefront is not enough; you should also make sure that it is easier for the users to find your site while searching for their hosting requirements. For that purpose, your site should contain the right amount of keywords at the right places in order to make it easier for the users to access your site.

Simply put keywords are the words or phrases that are most likely to be used by the internet users when they search for a specific product, service or topic via a search engine.

Keywords play a great role in assisting the search engines to fetch the websites that are most relevant to the objective of the users. However, due to the wrong and unethical practice, the keywords have got a bad reputation but if used properly and strategically they can help a great way of enhancing the ranking of your site. Keyword stuffing certainly hurts your site but the ethical and strategic use of keywords can play a great role in enhancing the ranking of your reseller hosting site.

How to decide the right keywords?

Deciding and adding keywords across different pages of your site needs a good investment of time and efforts, The first thing is to decide your target audience and know what they exactly need and what terms they are most likely to use while finding the required services. It is a process of focusing on the precise keywords that hold the maximum potential of improving your site ranking when the target audience searches for the products or plans that you are selling.

While deciding the keywords is not a child’s play it is not a rocket science either. You need to apply some logic and evaluate the relationship between the hosting requirements of your target audience and the keywords they are most likely to use while searching for the same.

For example, if you are a web hosting reseller in the UK then here is a simple strategy to determine the right keywords for your site:

  • Main Category: Hosting is the most basic keyword used by a potential client irrespective of their specific requirements- Right from a beginner who is looking for an affordable shared hosting plan to a person who wants to buy VPS hosting plans. So you should use this term across all the key pages of your site.
  • Subcategory: It depends upon the specific product that you wish to sell. For example, if you find it more profitable to sell VPS hosting plans then you can strategically use VPS hosting plans or VPS hosting on different pages of your site. It helps your site to get a good ranking when one searches for the VPS hosting plans.
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Pro Tip

  • One of the best ways to add a good number of keywords for the subcategory is to frequently publish informative blogs on the subcategory that you wish to emphasize. Like in the above example you can publish multiple blogs on “VPS Hosting” with valuable information.
  • Specific Category: Understandably being a UK based hosting reseller you prefer selling your plans in the UK. Hence using the terms hosting service in the UK or best hosting provider in the UK as your keywords strengthen the chances of your site ranking on a good position when a UK based target audience searches for hosting resellers in the UK using various keywords.

Where and how to use the keywords on your site?

In order to extract the maximum juice out of your keyword strategy, it is important to use the keywords on the strategic points of your site. Here is a brief guide on the same:

Relevant Page Title

The page title is undoubtedly the very first thing that attracts the attention of the target audience when the search result page is displayed. In fact, around half of the visitors would click the site only if the title of the page aligns with their requirement. Make sure that your page title should contain the specific keywords so that the audience is prompted to click the URL before he checks the other URLs appearing below your website. Apart from the brand name it should also contain the set of precise keywords.

Pro Tip

  • Don’t use the same or similar page titles for each page of your site. Each page has a different purpose and it is advisable to ensure that the corresponding page title should precisely convey the purpose of the page. For example, the Shared hosting plan page is centered around selling the shared hosting plan while the dedicated hosting plan focuses on helping the clients to select the best-dedicated server.
  • Ideally, the page title of each web page should contain:

Brand name + specific plan names + your location

Crisp Meta Description with right keywords

Another thing that attracts the users’ attention is the Meta description. Make sure that Meta description should be brief, crisp and contains the right use of keywords. Apart from keywords, the efficiency of the Meta description to quickly suggest the precise “takeaway” for the readers can also play a vital role in convincing the users to click your page.

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  • Misleading Metadata might prompt the users to click on your site but when the user finds that the page does not contain the desired information, he is compelled to hit the back button that can result in negative marking and may push your site further down. Hence it is best to use the Meta description for guiding your audience instead of misleading them.

URL Structure that makes sense

If your URL contains the letters or numbers that don’t make any human sense it is regarded as a poor URL structure that not only looks annoying to the target audience but can also hurt your SEO ranking. Likewise including many punctuation marks also hurts the SEO relevance of your URL. Hence it is very important to make sure that your URL structure makes a proper sense, seems appealing (or informative) and makes things easier for the search engines.

Ideal URL structure

  • The ideal structure of URL:
  • You can replace the page with the title of the blog if it refers to a specific blog that you have published. Likewise, you can use the specific terms like the press release, media or offers depending on the type of page.

Page Content that delivers real value

While adding a fair quantity of keywords in your page contents certainly helps in enhancing your ranking you should make sure that the keywords perfectly fit the context and are not stuffed forcefully. The advanced techniques of major search engines are too smart to be fooled in this way and if you are caught stuffing the content with keywords, your site can be hurled down several ranks. Besides, the shallow content, poorly structure presentation and using very few keywords are the other factors that can hurt your SEO ranking

Keyword density

  • Ideally, you should keep keyword density to 1% for the best results.
  • You might increase it a bit but at any cost avoid jumping beyond the boundary of 3% (keywords) if you don’t want to hurt the ranking of your site.

Accurate Images and Alt Text for additional benefits

Using the right alt text and ideal image titles can also assist in improving your site ranking in the image search results of the Google. In fact, many people across the globe use Google image search for finding the relevant images that they want to use in their blogs, websites or for other purposes. Using the right image title and alt text actively assist Google in fetching your site during the relevant image searches and the accuracy of the keyword can also improve the ranking of your site in such searches. Make sure that your descriptions should add real value and should not be used to unnecessarily stuff the keywords.

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