
How Much Do Mobile Apps in 2021 Cost?

Build low-cost and high quality.

When trying to gain customer loyalty, build brand awareness, and promote your business in the best way possible, the logical step is to get an app. Well, how much do Custom App Development Cost

App development can be a tricky process, depending on the complexity of your app. This means that app costs may vary, and it’s dependent on lots of different factors. In this article, we will present to you the costs of apps in 2021, as well as the factors that those prices depend on.

The cost of an app

As previously said, app cost depends on their complexity.

Briefly said, apps can cost somewhere between $4.000 – $90.000.

If we get more into detail, we need to take into account the company (or freelancer) that will develop the app and their way of work, the time needed to develop the app as well as the functions that the app will have.

Now, we will explain all of them separately!

●    The developer 

When it comes to finding the right mobile app development company, things can be tricky. There are many great companies out there whose work is quite expensive. And also we have freelancers, who work for less and can make high-quality mobile apps. So, which one to choose?

The right answer on this one would be The one who suits your needs the best. You don’t have to rush to choose one of them. Do your research, contact a few of your fellow mobile app-owning friends, and after that contact, every freelancer and company that you think would be a good fit.

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Sometimes, you can even build a low-cost, high-quality mobile app. This works well with freelancers as well as companies that have transferred their work offshore.

The thing with offshore companies is that they will transfer all the work from great, wealthy countries to countries that have lower payment rates, such as some Asian countries. After that, they will do the same work as before, only for cheaper. There are talents all around the globe, but they have different rates, and big companies tend to use this.

●    The time needed to develop an app

This is another huge factor, considering that most mobile app developers charge by the hour. Simple apps are less time-consuming; thus they cost less. The time needed to develop bigger, more complex apps is greater, thus the bigger prices.

Charging by the hour depends on the country the developer’s in. for example, hourly rates in the USA are around $80 – $120/hour, while developers from countries like India, as well as Indonesia, charge around $20 – $30/hour.  

Prices are not always proportional to the talent and knowledge of the developers. Sometimes, some programmers will simply charge less because of the lower payments in the country. That in no way means that they will give you a bad app. Who knows, maybe it will turn out better than you’ve imagined.

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●    Features and functions 

Yet another factor that greatly affects the cost of the mobile app. When you’re looking to get a mobile app, you need it to be high-functioning. Well, functionality is the most expensive part of the whole app.

Different features and functions cost differently. For example, there are functions such as the login part, search, messaging notifications… are less-time consuming than others, and would cost between $2.000 – $2.500. Features such as maps, payments, calls will take up more time and they will cost more- somewhere around $3.000 – $4.000.

Might sound like a lot of money, and it is indeed. But, you only give out so much money once. After that, it all goes to the updates, and updates are not nearly as expensive as the app development part. The updating apps part is a job that needs to be done by the developer/s that made your app, so make sure that working with the ones you choose is long-term.


Developing a mobile app is not cheap. You need to make sure that it’s worth it. Do your research properly, contact as many people as you can, look into the many possibilities, and also, ask questions. Ask lots of them. The experienced developer will make sure that you know everything when it comes to your app, and they will make sure that your app is worth the money you gave.

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