
Factors to Consider When Moving to the Cloud

cloud computing

When it comes to the internet, computing, and data storage, it always seems like there is a continually changing “new best thing.” It usually is some breakthrough technology that supposedly makes your life or conduct business a lot easier. What is the current new best thing? The answer to that question would be cloud computing. Yes, it has some beautiful advantages when it comes to data storage, computer processing, and ease of use, but it comes with some potential drawbacks too. Here are some things to consider before making the switch to cloud computing.

Do You Always Have Internet Access

This is one thing that people often overlook when considering the use of cloud storage. It is 100% internet-based, so if you do not have internet access all of the time, you can’t use the service or retrieve the information you have stored with them. Examples of this are when you are flying across the ocean on business. If you store data on your computer or other storage devices, you can retrieve it even when not connected to the internet.

The Cloud Storage Provider Can Experience Technical Issues

Not only can there be internet connectivity issues on your end that keep you from getting to your stored data and other cloud services, but the cloud service provider themselves might have technical issues on their end too. They can have issues with their servers, power issues, or any of an assortment of other potential issues that keep you from accessing their service.

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Cloud Security

Using software that operates with cloud functions and cloud storage capability is a relatively new idea in computing. Since it is so new, nobody knows what issues can come up security-wise. If you are like most people, you wonder how good cloud security is and if the data that flows back and forth from there is as safe as you would expect it to be.

Your small server or group of PCs that are at your office are probably not a strong candidate for internet data thieves, but once you join a whole bunch of businesses on a cloud-based server, your data become a prime target for hackers. You have to decide if this type of exposure to your data is worth the risks that cloud services provide you or your company.

Consider the Reputation of the Vendor You Use

Just because cloud computing is in its infancy is no excuse for vendors who provide this type of service not to have a well thought out and clear business plan in place. This plan should be able to tell you what you can reasonably expect from a vendor if you choose to do business with them. It should thoroughly cover such things as security, solutions, viability, and plans for the service. The location country of any vendor should also be looked at to make sure the vendor is operating in a stable and reliable environment.

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There Will Be Down Times for Maintenance and Upgrades

Cloud vendor services are technical processes that involve the heavy use of computer software; as such, these services need to have fixes applied to them continually, have upgrades installed, and also periodically shut down for maintenance. This is not a situation where they might go down for some time, but when they go down for some time. It just might cause a situation where you will not be able to access the service they provide or the critical data that you need for projects, problems, or other needs that arise from time to time.

That is why it is essential to subscribe to a cloud service that is somewhat reasonably close to your company’s time zone; most cloud providers do their maintenance at night time when they do not have as many users. If you are in another time zone that is vastly different from theirs, it may shut you down in the middle of the busiest part of your workday.

So although the switch to cloud base computing solutions may seem like a no-brainer, there are some critical issues that each individual or company must consider on a case by case basis. What is in the best interests of other companies may not be in the best interest of yours.

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