

The Secret of Internet Submarine Cables Work

The Secret of Internet Submarine Cables Work

Of the thousands of kilometers of submarine fiber optic cables that are installed along the oceans depends to guarantee an improvement in telecommunications services. Every time you play a video on YouTube, watch a series on Netflix or download an application on your mobile, make use of this technology. "Most users think that all communication along the chain of data that is transmitted is wireless. Not really. There comes a point on the network where the antennas seen on the street gather the information of the mobile users and move it to the network, through fiber optics, "explains Héctor Silva, Ciena's director of technology. In essence, an underwater cable is a set of equipment designed to allow the interconnection between two or more points, passing through the seabed. The system ...
What are protocols and their types?

What are protocols and their types?

In this series of learning and learning about technology and the Internet, we have brought you another topic to talk about how many types of protocols are. If you run the Internet or are connected to technology in any way, then you should have heard about the protocol. But do you know that if there are no protocols, then we can not communicate by using technology in any way if the Internet is not there? Now all of you would like to know what these protocols are and how they work, let's get them to Know about in detail. What are the protocols? Protocols mean the rule made for communication between two networking devices; according to the rules networking devices can communicate. If we try to understand the common language, then protocol means that the networking devices have their lan...
The Best Way To Earn Money Online

The Best Way To Earn Money Online

Primary Money Earning Ways Writing:- Self-destructively avoided by some people (yes, self-destructively!). You don't need to write flawlessly, and you don't need to write consistently to make serious money. Writing is one of the best ways to make money online, mostly because it can keep bringing profit for a long time (after you've finished your work). You can write on some of the revenue sharing sites, easily make your own website/blog or find a writing job. Affiliate Programs:- Affiliate programs are among the most commonly used methods of earning money on the internet. They are that much popular because they can bring severe profit, while their commission-based model of earning means that they don't require any investment. Affiliate programs are often combined with writing, altho...
Things You Must Consider for Safer Online Banking

Things You Must Consider for Safer Online Banking

Almost every person today uses online banking to pay their bills, shop online, transfer funds to another account, create a fixed deposit, online banking allows you to do this is a very nice and convenient manner. Online Banking involves a lot of risks too as you might have already heard about people`s account being hacked and they losing their money. So how safe are you doing online banking? Here we are telling some important things one must consider while using online banking. An account with two-factor authentication Almost all banks today offer their customers this two-factor authentication account. This not only keeps your account safe once but it keeps it safe twice. Supposedly if someone gets access to your account no. and password and use it to get access to your online bankin...
Importance of Proxies and Its Usage

Importance of Proxies and Its Usage

If people want to do the surfing activity in a safe and smooth way, they have to buy a proxy server from a reliable service provider. People have to pay some money if they want to access the blocked sites that contain malicious threats or issues. Cheap and best proxy service providers are available on the web to help the customers in a correct way without any security problems. Multiple locations can be accessed simply by getting more number of proxies from the service providers. Running and maintaining a website can be made simple when they buy unlimited proxies needed for their work. Site owners have to understand their requirements and they have to buy proxies for their network based on that fact. Advanced authentication help can also be gained by persons when they get the proxy comput...

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