The perennials are waking up little by little, some bulbs of the beginning of the season are already well bloomed. The first fruits of the spring are felt and, to accompany them, the desires very own to the gardeners are reborn: to put the hands again in the ground, start the plantations again. It is not the ideas which miss at the end of the winter! This is why novice gardeners can sometimes feel a little helpless in front of the extent of the work to be done. Here are some tips and methods to start your gardening:
1. Make the plan of the existing
Often, the plan is not the first thing you think when you are a beginner: too tedious, too restrictive, the obstacles are numerous. The plan then arrives late, to note the already built a massive, pin the different species and it’s a shame!
With a plan, everything seems more evident: what to highlight, and what to hide more. The survey of the plan can be done with a tape measure, but the easiest way is to have recourse directly to the cadaster of your ground. The readings are flawlessly accurate, and the house is already established, as well as the secondary buildings. You will then be able to reproduce the scale plan on a separate sheet, or with the help of specialized software. Drawing of a mass plan at the scale
Be sure to indicate the doors and windows of the buildings, and configure the scope of installing pool enclosures, automatic pool covers and similar landscape accessories. It is very important for the future development.
2. Note the existing plants
It’s about indicating which ones you want to keep, which ones you would like to move, and which ones you do not wish to anymore. Then list the plants that you have chosen to support, classifying them by type (trees, shrubs, perennials), then indicate their characteristics (soil, the color of flowering).
This will allow you to have a clear inventory and not to make mistakes in the future design. It also avoids buying duplicate plants.
3. Choose a planning party
This is one of the most critical points: a beautiful garden is a balanced, homogeneous and coherent garden.
So be careful not to mix too many different atmospheres: a bias is essential to ensure the coherence of the entire development. This one can be chosen by affinity or to reinforce a context (a pretty building out of the stone size) or finally to underline a color.
For example, in some of my recent projects, I pay attention to the colors chosen by my customers for their furniture (or the color of the frames), and I make sure to find these tones in my fittings, in the choice of coatings, and even in the selection of plants.
4. Organize the plan by an atmosphere
The landscaping party chosen, you must determine the “parts” landscape you want in your garden: kitchen garden, terrace, pool or pool?
Everything is possible if the place is sufficient. Classify these moods according to their purpose (games, relaxation, meditation, meals and decor). The landscape touch follows naturally enough, according to your affinities: a naturalist path can lead to a somewhat romantic terrace, for example.
Remember not to see too big: too much to put in, if it is not well arranged, the garden may seem quickly narrow, which brings me to point 5: the paths between the spaces.
5. Target importance of coherence and fluidity of passages
A pleasant path, seen from the plane, is found quickly enough: harmonious curves, stops on points of view, and a continuity between the passages. Even in a small garden, if the paths are well-drawn, the feeling is very positive.
Changes in rhythm (introduced by differences in materials for example), stops (a bench) and points of view (arrangement of an element of surprise, such as a mirror) are all elements that give the illusion that the garden is more extensive than in reality.
6. Make a list of desired plants
It’s time to let go! I have a long list of my plants that I dream of acquiring, one day If you begin on this side there, the best is to browse the specialized sites, like that of the nursery, and Above all, navigate to the side of garden blogs. There are many, some of which are full of real wonders. And this is the ideal ground to realize what gives a plant “in real life”.
7. Make a budget and prioritize!
Yes, a garden is expensive, it is not the plant lovers who will contradict me.
Between the materials, the furniture, and the inopportune “cracks” in the fairs with the plants, the note can quickly climb! The idea is to make a global budget by a zone of development, to be able to determine where one wishes to focus the first changes.
And above all, you have to define your wishes: do you want a pleasant garden as a whole as quickly as possible? In this case, it will be necessary to focus on the general structure, and less on the plantations, which will come little by little. Or do you prefer to arrange a space, especially to receive your friends and have a good time? You will then be able to focus on this particular point, and thus in a more accomplished way.
8. Make a calendar
This is valid if you have a specific desire for your development (a terrace before the summer, for example). In this case, it is best to rank the tasks in order of priority and to define the time to be allocated to each of them. Keep in mind that the ideal planting period is in the spring and fall, so the rest of the work will depend on it.
9. Ask for help
And yes, because the garden is above all a passion, often we are reluctant to ask to be assisted. However, moving a plant from one end of the garden to the other is easier for two, you can imagine. It is also more pleasant, and the mind is winning. Being helped avoids unnecessary discouragement, the very ones that would sometimes make you want to drop everything. I know what I’m talking about. You can check the ultimate tool for any landscaping professional that can help you a lot.
10. Above all, have fun!
Finally, the keyword of history: pleasure. You like to be in the garden; you like plants, colors, and perfumes. So do everything without constraint, keeping in mind, especially that a garden takes time. But this time is made of passion, and see your garden grow and come to life is the most beautiful reward!