
8 Ways to Broadcast and Promote Music Online

8 Ways to Broadcast and Promote Music Online

Right now, we are no longer responsible for promoting our music in the same way as it was ten years ago. With the advent of social networks and the use of technological tools, musicians, music groups and artists are turning more and more to the Internet to broadcast their works and their brand. It is no longer obligatory to go through the press release, television, or national radio stations to achieve a certain degree of success.

Thousands of independent artists come to live their passion and grow their community of fans, for free or almost, using the tools at their disposal entirely. And for a good reason, it would be stupid to deprive oneself of the Web, as it is simple to use and that the potential is unlimited. In this article, you will discover eight ways to promote your music and your musical project online effectively!

  1. Your artist website

If you agree, your website should be at the centre of your promotional strategy. It should be an essential meeting point for fans, pros and curious people. As such, it should reflect the slightest changes and events that affect your music career: albums, clips, tour, etc.

Just use a tool like WordPress, a host like 1 & 1 and a suitable theme, and you can modulate your site to the image of your musical project. For example, you can create a blog to share directly with your fanbase (favourites, news, opinions, tests, logbook, etc.).

You can also create an online store to sell your music and merchandise. If you’re serious about your music career, you need a pro artist site to share your titles, photos, videos, dates, and more. Always be sure to keep it up-to-date and optimize it (SEO and user experience) as much as possible.

  1. Your newsletter

The newsletter should be the most valuable tool in your Internet promotion arsenal.

Unlike some of the methods presented in this article, here it’s mainly about promoting your music to your current fans to increase their loyalty. Indeed, only those who have made the deliberate choice to subscribe to your email list (either from your site or in concert), will receive your promotional emails.

In short, this is excellent news since these people want to know more about you, your music and your universe. The email must be a bridge between the inbox of your fan and your website (blog, shop, tour, etc.) or any other destination (Youtube, crowdfunding campaigns, etc.).The email takes on this role brilliantly since you will have much more impact than using social networks. This is a great way to catch the attention of your fans and engage them.

  1. Your presence on social networks

Nowadays, everyone is on social networks. Therefore, if your musical project is not present on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you do not exist. Of course, do not stop there. Being present on these platforms is not enough. They must be used to their full potential. It starts by considering these tools as places of interaction with your community, rather than selling and free promo.

Your audience is more interested in your story, your history and your world, than your coupons on your merchandising or your official announcement of a concert in a particular place.

Remember this: for one openly promotional content, and you should have 4/5 posts to engage your audience.

  1. Youtube

If you make music today, you can not miss YouTube.Every social network like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram can be great for your career if you adopt the right strategy. However, if I had to advise you a tool to build your career over the long term, it will be Youtube.

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Youtube is the first means of musical discovery on the Internet. Why? Because nowadays music is also appreciated with the eyes.

You just have to be creative to take full advantage of this platform: make a cover of a famous song, publish your clips, share your lives, making vlogs, and so on. If you do not have the budget or the time to invest, simply put the cover of your album to begin to illustrate your titles, while ensuring your SEO (tags, description, title).

This is probably one of the most uncomplicated and most potent ways to stream your music on the Web.

With the right method, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are great, but currently, Youtube is the only network that takes your content seriously enough for you to build your career.

Indeed, unlike other platforms, this is the only one that allows you to capitalize on your past content.

That is to say that if you publish today your clip on Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, you can be sure that if it is correctly referenced and optimized, in 1 year, the Youtube version will continue to attract automatically Qualified fans. At the same time, your Twitter and Facebook content will undoubtedly have disappeared forever from the Internet.

And for a good reason, Youtube is not just a social network. It’s a search engine and even the second largest search engine in the world, right after Google, with more than 1 billion unique visitors connecting to the platform each month.

This means that your videos will have the most extended lifespan on YouTube and therefore, the most chances to walk since everyone will be able to discover them if they are well indexed.

In short, if you start, you have a unique opportunity to break into your musical niche, if you have the patience and you are ready to work in this direction.

Youtube is the only social network that will exponentially reward the consistency of your content strategy over time. I repeat, it will not be a snap, but if you have the right content and the proper process, then it will come.

It takes some work upstream if you want to make it the core of your business and grow your subscriber base. In any case, create your channel and start feeding it now.

  1. SoundCloud

What about audio streaming? Soundcloud is very popular among artists (especially producers, rappers and DJs), giving anyone the ability to share their music with millions of visitors every month easily.

Thanks to its flexibility, its ultra-targeted groups and its virality, the services attract more and more established artists as well as new talents. So be there, if it’s relevant to you.

This all-in-one solution to promote and sell your staff can be extremely practical and profitable. However, this is much more of a distribution tool. To consider if you do not have an artist site.

  1. Streaming and downloading sites

By distributing your music on the most significant streaming and download platforms (Spotify, iTunes, Amazon,, etc.), you appear alongside hundreds of thousands of artists around the world.

How can this help you?

In addition to selling your music by making it easy to access your songs, these services often offer recommendations, “discovery” features or user-generated playlists that can bring your music out of the shadows.

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After all, being associated with an established artist that your potential fan loves can only be beneficial to you. Just for that, it’s worth it to be there!

  1. Influencers and online communities in your style

If you want to promote your music, it should not only be about getting in touch with your fans or going to the mass market. Indeed, it is highly desirable that you leave your comfort zone and that you come into contact with new fanbases to convert them to your cause.

For this, contact influencers and music-loving communities in your musical style. Take, for example, the case of music blogs. These sites are always looking for fresh and relevant content to share with their audience.

No need to target publishing in Famous sites, many specialized blogs are available to all, and you will increase your audience overnight. It’s all about choosing the sites where you send your music. Make sure it fits your musical project, including the genre of music, or even the region.

From there, simply contact the bloggers by email, briefly and with a link to your music and find out if they would be interested in sharing your story and music with them. Nevertheless, do not do this at the chain and build real exchanges.

Apart from music blogs, there are many alternatives where you can enjoy with a little tact and research a massive audience, such as via:

  • Music Forums
  • Web radios
  • Springboards online
  • SoundCloud top charts
  • Facebook groups dedicated to music
  • Youtube Music Channels
  • Spotify Playlists
  • Other artists and bands
  1. Other musical promotion tools

Of course, there are dozens of other ways to make your music known through the Internet. For example, we could talk about:
Promotion of concerts: To advertise your next shows, you can start by referencing them on your targeted area and create an event on Facebook.

Podcasts: Audio podcasts made by musicians are an ideal tool to link your story to your music. In the same way as a blog or a vlog, you allow your fans to get to know you better and to focus on your project.

Crowdfunding: Although you might think that crowdfunding campaigns are only for your current fans, that’s not true. Mostly a pharaonic project for a group or an artist, you will inevitably attract new fans during this period of the intense promotion.

Online Concerts: By using services like Concert Window, Periscope or Facebook Live, etc. you can broadcast a live concert from your room (or anywhere, huh)! Use this method to give your fanbase a good overview and encourage them to make a donation or buy your music.

Advertising Facebook or Google Adwords: Sometimes, it can be worth paying to buy fans. Use advertising to highlight your concerts and your music. Simply choose your budget and target audience (for example by age, region and musical tastes) and have fun. It requires a lot of experimenting with finding the right formula, but the game is worth the effort.


For the rest, I invite you to explore each of these methods and dig deeper, seeing what works for your musical project and what does not work. If you need personalized help with your online presence, I invite you to look at music ranking tools that kickstart your ranking on the search and music boards – such as YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify and more.


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