WhatsApp always comes up with new features as well as updates that every user loves using. Similarly, WhatsApp has introduced some new features this year too. Many users have already started using them while others aren’t aware of the additional features. This article will explain the added features introduced by WhatsApp for the users.
It is easy to delete the message you send
With the help of the newly launched option- ‘Delete for Everyone’ you can delete any messages that you sent accidentally. You can simply select the message sent by mistake and tap the delete icon.
WhatsApp allows you to make payments
It looks a long time but after a series of test and trial WhatsApp has come up with payment feature for both its iOS and Android users. The users can easily send/receive money via WhatsApp as the UPI based payment feature makes the entire process easier.
Video calling allows you to interact with 4 people at the same time
The video calling feature has helped the users to enjoy making video calls. Now the improved version has allowed the users to add more users to the ongoing call (video) just by tapping the icon located at the right corner on the top of the screen.
Switch between voice and video calls
Yes, it is easy to switch between voice and video calls with the newly incorporated feature by WhatsApp. You can find a switch which is hidden and when you pull that switch it lets you switch from voice calls to video calling. Certainly, the user at the other end needs to give her/his consent for the video call to start.
Sharing your location with others becomes easy
WhatsApp has added a new feature for sharing your location with others. This helps the users to share their live location with their contacts. The users can tap the tab- ‘Location’ which is embedded in ‘Attach’ icon. There the users will be able to view the very new option- ‘Share Live Location’. This feature allows the users to share their live location both in a group and individual chats.
Playing YouTube videos straight into your chat window
The new WhatsApp feature – WhatsApp YouTube integration that lets users watch YouTube straight in their chat window. All you need to do is click the YouTube link in your chat window and the video starts playing in the chat window right away.
Group description feature – Add brief description for the members of all groups
WhatsApp understands the importance of groups for the users and thus they have introduced the ‘Group description feature’ that allows you to include description up to 500 characters for the group members in any group. Any or every member of a particular group can change this description. You can see the name of the person in the group who changed the description.
All the features above have made WhatsApp users enjoy the features that they have always loved to use. The improved WhatsApp features have added to the popularity of WhatsApp messaging group. If you are not satisfied with these features then try GBWhatsapp latest version and enjoy.