
The 10 Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

When talking about anxiety, it is usually thought that it is an accelerated behavior on the part of people, but in reality, the acceleration is in the thoughts of the person, and not necessarily in their behavior.

The thinking of the anxious subject is always ahead of reality, and anticipates events in a negative way. The subject thinks that things will go wrong even before he begins to do them.

In this article we will talk about the physical symptoms of anxiety , that is, we will see what are the main complications that this behavior can bring to our body, and we will review some of the most effective treatments for these cases.

What are the main physical symptoms of anxiety?

As we have already mentioned, anxiety can cause certain complications on a physical level in those who suffer from it. Let’s see what these symptoms are.

  1. Tremors

These are involuntary, and generally occur when the subject is about to start an activity that increases the level of stress .

A good example is when the person must speak in public or with someone who generates a particular interest.

  1. Excessive sweating

When anxiety reaches high levels, the Central Nervous System (CNS) begins to function in an exacerbated way in the body, generating a series of reactions that are beyond voluntary control. One of these reactions is excessive sweating, especially in the hands, feet, forehead and armpits.

  1. Cardiac arrhythmia

The most common of the cardiac arrhythmia that occurs during physical symptoms of anxiety is tachycardia. The heartbeat tends to accelerate irregularly when the individual is exposed to a situation that triggers the anxious state.

  1. Accelerated breathing

Another characteristic symptom in these cases is that the respiratory rate increases (tachypnea). When this occurs the person may begin to take large breaths through the mouth in an agitated manner .

  1. Tension of the muscles

When anxiety is persistent and intense, muscles are loaded with tension, and that is when discomfort occurs in a specific muscle region of the body .

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These discomforts generally occur in the back, neck, and shoulders.

  1. Headaches

Headaches are a very characteristic symptom of anxiety, especially the so-called tension headaches . These are caused, among other things, by excessive muscle tension in the neck area.

  1. Dry mouth

Sometimes, while the person is doing some activity in which they are not comfortable or are not sufficiently prepared, the glands in charge of salivation contract , causing a temporary dryness in the mouth.

  1. Dizziness

These occur especially when the anxiety is intense, at the moment that the person feels that he no longer tolerates continuing to carry out the activity that generates the discomfort; then dizziness appears, which may be accompanied by other physical symptoms of anxiety.

  1. Frequent urination

It is nothing more than the frequent urge to urinate, caused by anxiety and muscle tension . For example, a high as common as waiting for test results could trigger this symptom in the subject.

  1. Abdominal discomfort

Discomfort in the abdomen area is a classic characteristic of anxious people, especially pain in this region occurs in children when they are under a lot of emotional pressure.

In children, anxiety is more common than you think, especially because in the early stages of development it is difficult to explain emotions clearly. But also in adults this is one of the physical symptoms of anxiety, associated with difficulties digesting food in this state of activation.

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