
Home Remedies For Mastitis- All Information You Need

Home Remedies For Mastitis

When you are breastfeeding, you may get mastitis, which makes you pain and challenge to give breastfeeding. You don’t know clearly about this disease. How to treat mastitis? This article will provide you with fantastic home remedies for mastitis and all information on mastitis.

What is mastitis?

Being a mother is the greatest thing for women. However, a pregnant period is not an easy time, and being a mother has many problems. For instance, when you give your children breastfeeding, you may face to mastitis which I an infection. Bacteria cause inflammation in your milk duct by going through nipple cracks. Mastitis often occurs during the first three months after giving birth. This disease sometimes meets women after menopause or the women who decrease the immune system or have a chronic illness.

What causes mastitis?

Some reasons can cause mastitis, such as:

The wrong breastfeeding

Many people think that breastfeeding is simple, but the fact the not right way of breastfeeding can lead to mastitis. The milk stasis will create an environment for growing bacteria.

Blocked milk duct

When breastfeeding is not complete, the milk can go back up inside. Thus, the milk duct is clogged and gets an infection.


The mother milk is fresh. However, the bacteria can go from the skin or the baby’s mother. The baby can injure the nipple by chewing. It causes infection, as well.

What are the signs and symptoms of mastitis?

Mastitis has several symptoms which include:

  • Your breast may get red and swollen. It’s hot and pain, especially when breastfeeding or touch.
  • Your breast may lump or be harder.
  • You may see some nipple fluid go out. This discharge can be a cloud or have blood or sputum.
  • You can experience fever and tiredness because of inflammation.

The medical treatment of mastitis

It’s so easy to treat mastitis, and most cases get improvement so quickly.  The medical treatment of mastitis contains:


The doctor may give you antibiotics to using about 1 to 14 days. 24 to 48 hours after taking medicine, you may feel better. However, the medicine can go into your breast milk so that your baby can irritate. The baby can have diarrhea. The irritation may finish after a few days or when you finish the treatment.

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Pain relief

You may get a pain relief, which eases your pain and your fever. You can only take this if you can’t stand the pain. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can have some side effects like increase the stomach’s acid production. Thus, you should take them after a meal.

Change to right breastfeeding technique

When you are breastfeeding, the most common reason that causes mastitis is your technique. You should continue your baby’s breastfeeding. You should express your milk completely. If you see that your milk has a strange color or smell, you should squeeze your milk out and throw it away. This milk can cause your baby to have a digestive disorder.

Keep hygiene

You should clean your breast area frequently. It can prevent bacteria growth.

 How to prevent mastitis

Preventing disease is always better than treating disease. We have some tips on your breastfeeding.

  • You should breastfeed your baby for about six months or later.
  • When your breast is full, you should encourage the baby to suck milk.
  • If your baby finishes the meal while your milk is not over, you should express all of the maintenance fluid.
  • You should keep the hygiene. Clean and dry your nipple after giving breastfeeding.

Home remedies for mastitis

Medical treatment is used to treat mastitis. However, if you realize the symptoms at the early stage, home remedies for mastitis can be your excellent choice. Here are amazing home remedies for mastitis:

Using cold compress

The cold compress helps to reduce the inflammation and ease the pain. It also helps the milk flow is natural. You can take some pieces of ice then put it on the soft towel. Apply it to your breast; you can do it for about ten minutes. Do it several times per day.   Avoid putting ice directly on your skin; it can cause a cold burn.

Take enough water

You should take enough water to produce milk for your children. Besides, if you have a fever caused by the inflammation, you need water to avoid dehydration as well.

Breast massage

Massage helps in relaxing and ease discomfort. It also helps with blood circulation and gets rid of milk stasis. You can use an oil like coconut or olive oil to massage. Take some drops of oil and gently massage with circular motions around your breast. You should clean off the oil after massaging.

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Honey is typical in your kitchen. It also uses skincare because of anti-inflammatory properties and vitamins. Thus, it is no doubt that honey is useful for mastitis treatment. Just some spoon of honey per day can improve your condition. You can mix honey with lemon, which is rich in vitamin C.


Garlic has antibacterial contains antibiotics without any side effects. Garlic helps to treat mastitis and boost your immune system as well. You can eat raw garlic in the meal. If you have a genital infection, garlic is also helpful.

Drinking apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains anti-inflammatory substances. It also boosts your probiotics in your gut. Thus, you can drink it as home remedies for mastitis. Besides, the waste elimination of your body is increased, too. Mix apple cider vinegar with honey to create a great drink. Another way is that you use a cotton ball to apply this mixture are on your breast. Leave it about 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do it every day for the best result.

Apply cabbage leaves

Cabbage leaves have sulfur compounds so that it can reduce the swelling and comfort the pain. You can put cabbage leaves into the refrigerator. Then apply it on your swelling breast. The cold leave also has effects as a cold compress. Let it be until the holiday is wet.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a popular plant that can be healthy food or a skincare remedy. Aloe vera boosts the healing process. Make yogurt with aloe vera. It improves your whole health. Or cutting the aloe vera leaf and apply the gel to your breast and leave it until it dry. Your skin will be soft and bright. Remember to clean your nipple because aloe vera gel maybe not good for your baby.

In conclusion, you should pay attention to preventing mastitis before it occurs. Before seeking medical treatment, you should try home remedies for mastitis. They can solve your problem without any side effects.

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