
Guide to Writing a Good Hook for College Essay

Guide to Writing a Good Hook for College Essay

Let’s be honest with ourselves. No matter the work we do regardless the way we start to go, besides the task we fulfill, we need not only to get the perfect result and get to the right place in time but also we need to be noticed properly estimated, and approved. It concerns routine kinds of tasks and especially those works that can cause crucial events in our lives. Whether you are filling the application form or writing college Admission Essay Writers always keep in mind the audience you are writing for. How do unknown members of the admission committee or your future employer will choose just your work among all those others which are also best of the best and are written by the same confident and professional candidates?

Have you ever thought about how it works?

It’s not a secret at all, simply you need a good Hook. What is it? The hook is a special part of the introduction of the essay. What for? To grab your reader’s attention and not let them go until up to the end and finally make a decision in your favour.

Let’s discuss techniques offered by a team of academic writers from WriteMyPaperHub service which handles requests like please help me write my essay online.


Start your essays with such ordinary statements as:

  • The purpose of this essay is – to tell you about…
  • Thanks to my essay you’ll know…
  • I’ve come across this problem.. and decided to tell you about it.
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These phrases are not forbidden as absolute taboo, you may use them later when your audience had been already involved. But it’s not the best beginning for the unforgettable essay you are going to write.

 Begin from very far

You have no time to warm up the readers. Imagine the end of the working week and everyone in admissions committee is tired enough to go into details of your essay, and you have only one attempt to catch attention, so don’t miss your chance describing something as frogs and heavens. If the first phrases don’t make the readers interested, you may fail.

 Show uncertainty

If you let your reader doubt in your competence, he’ll stop reading.

Keep out of phrases:

  • It seems to me…
  • I am not sure enough, but…
  • They say…

Better not use these words in the very beginning.

Now 6 Ways to Make a Good Hook

  1. Ask a question. The question has to make your reader think over. If it so, your reader will go up to the end seeking for the answer. In addition, questions can form expectations and manage the needs of the audience. For example. What attracts women in bold and not always star-looking men. The only money you think.
  2. Shock, surprise, interest the audience. This can be done with facts, provocative comparisons, an unusual analogy.
  3. Play on contradictions, compare two opposite phenomena. For example. It is believed that the most beautiful children are born in mixed marriages. Macau is the result of two dissimilar cultures-Chinese and Portuguese meeting…
  4. Start with a quote or proverb. Words of famous people or folk wisdom always attract attention. But surely, this quota has to be relevant. You may start your essay with  George Washington’s saying “A sensible woman can never be happy with a fool.” And it corresponds to some kind of psychological essay but never to the essay devoted to problems of air pollution. And no doubt there are some kinds of sayings, you can use in different types of essays. For example, “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail”.
  5. Tell a joke. With the help of well-turned joke, you’ll obviously win the reader’s favour. This is my favorite one that can be used in a great number of topics. You only need to change the characters. Golfer: “Absolutely shocking! I’ve never played so badly before”  Caddie: “Oh! You have played before, then?
  6. Tell a story. It must be short, serve as a bridge to your essay and cause a genuine interest.
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The last but not the least. Remember: it’s not enough to create a good hook and make the first perfect impression that you are the out-of-the-box thinking person. Your task is to develop it and not lose the precious reader’s attention and get your aim.

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