
A Complete Guide to Writing a Birth Plan

Guide to Writing a Birth Plan

Becoming a mother for the first time is a milestone in every woman’s life and even though Mother Nature equips us ladies for motherhood, it can seem like a real challenge, as we have zero experience. This is where a birth plan comes into the equation and in this short article, we outline the contents.

Summary of preferences

A birth plan lists the person’s preferences for labour and birth in order to communicate these needs to carers, which ensures that your wishes are taken into consideration. There are online providers of things like a birth plan template that you can follow, which makes creating the plan so much easier, while there are lots of valuable resources for the mum-to-be.

Pain management strategies

A birth is an unpredictable event, therefore it is wise to write down what forms of medication you would like to receive, such as:

  • Morphine
  • Nitrous oxide
  • Epidural

This is something that your midwife would discuss with you, along with other aspects of the birth.

Labour & birth (environment)

Of course, giving birth is a very special experience for every woman and you have the right to choose what kind of birth and the environment where it takes place. You might be more comfortable at the maternity unit of a nearby hospital or perhaps you have your heart set on a home birth; something to discuss with your partner.

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Things to consider include:

  • Who can attend?
  • Can student midwives and junior doctors attend?
  • Would you like aromatherapy?

Some women regard this as a private affair, while others would prefer their partner to be in attendance to offer moral support. The mother’s wishes should be considered and the plan is something the carer can read before arriving. Click here for tips on how to stay fit with kids.

The birth

There are aspects to explore, such as pushing techniques and whether you wish to breastfeed your baby. There are potential interventions to consider, such as:

  • Induced labour
  • Artificial rupture of the membrane
  • CTG monitoring
  • Vaginal cuts
  • Instrument birth
  • Caesarean section

The importance of flexibility

As no one can predict the future, it is always wise to be flexible in your plan and should a change be necessary, everyone is on the same page, having read the birth plan. Preparation is the key to a smooth birthing experience and the online template helps you to categorise the various aspects of the plan. There are other ways that digital tech can help you through pregnancy and motherhood; one great tool is a mum app.

What can’t a mum app do?

It connects you to global resources and empowers you to share your story and discover how other mums manage. There are many blogs and articles on everything from fertility to choosing a school, which you can read at your leisure; a cool search function brings the right content to your screen. What more could a mum-to-be ask?

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The government offers resources and support to couples that wish to start a family and writing a birth plan is a smart thing to do.

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