
What Is the Easy Way to Sell Your Old Tablet and How to Get the Best Price?

What Is the Easy Way to Sell Your Old Tablet and How to Get the Best Price?

In this era of technological advancement, technology companies are manufacturing new and innovative tablets pretty much daily. All of these new tablets that are released quickly make the old gadgets to become outdated. Understandably, many people are eager for innovation and new tablets to make their lives easier and convenient, so they are always buying the greatest and latest tablets that are available in the market. And this also means that people need to think about what they should do to get rid of their old gadgets.

If you are one of these people and you are wondering what to do and looking for a good way to discard off your old tablet, a great way is getting money for it, yes, selling your tablet and getting some money back to invest in a newer model.

Continue reading to find out the best way to sell your old tablet and how to get the best price. Hence, before doing so, you should evaluate the cost of your tablet.

How Much Is Your Tablet Worth?

You want to make the most money possible when you sell your tablet that you no longer wish to use. You may start the process of selling your tablet by formulating expectations of what you think your tablet is worth. The method you start by considering the actual purchase price you paid when your tablet was first bought. You may expect to get a portion of the original purchase price, for instance, 70%. While this practice may seem intuitive, current market conditions may not necessarily dictate your tablet’s current price as a function of its actual purchase price.

The key factor determining how much your tablet is worth in current market conditions is buyers. Buyers set the price they are willing to pay for old, used tablets. If you set your tablet’s cost too high, buyers won’t take your tablet off, and you won’t fetch any money. If you set your tablet’s price too low, your gadget may sell fast, but you will lose out on potential earnings. To find out what your tablet is worth, your best strategy is to determine what buyers are recently paying for tablets similar or identical to your tablet.

What Are the Things to Take Care of Before You Sell Old Tablets? 

Here are a few things that you must take into account before selling your old tablet.

  • Make sure everything that came with a tablet is complete. All the accessories such as the adaptor and others are required.
  • The next thing to consider is to prepare a list of the specs of your tablet. Indicate the performance, power, storage capacity, and other related details of the device.
  • Don’t miss this imperative thing! Check the condition of the tablet. Consider if the display screen has any scratch or sign of damage or if the battery life has dramatically weakened. Another thing to look over is the tablet’s casing if it has some defects, scratches, and marks. You can fix such kinds of problems with the help of a professional technician. It will help you get a fair price for your gadget.
  • Your tablet will be loaded with lots of information. There will likely be documents, photos, contacts, notes, videos, and some other personal data you don’t want to lose them. So, before removing all info from your device, you should create a backup on an external drive. Keep in mind that the process of resetting a tablet varies depending on make and model.
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Where Can You Sell Your Old Tablet?

There are numerous ways to sell old tablets, whether you want to sell your iPad or any other branded tablet. Let’s take a look at them!

  • Craigslist and Auction Websites

Craigslist, eBay, and other classified websites allow the users to sell their tablets and other gadgets privately either by setting an estimated price or through competitive bidding. You can make money in return once you get contacted by a reliable buyer on such websites. Some of the sites charge fees to sell your tablets, whereas some other sites are free.

However, bear in mind there are several scamming cases for auction and classified sites reported each year. By using Craigslist or eBay sites, you may risk losing your tablet to a scam, getting nothing in return for your device. Further, accepting payment for your gadget can be the most challenging aspect of the deal. If you consider selling your tablet through eBay or Craigslist, be extra cautious to avoid scams.

  • Trade-In or Sell Online

Another option is to trade in your tablet. It involves selling the tablet to a trade-in website at a relatively lower price than your expected price. Hence, the benefit is that it’s fast and straightforward, and you will save yourself from the whole process of making a sale yourself.

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Certain websites such as Amazon Trade-In offer Amazon gift cards or coupons instead of cash when you sell your tablet or any other gadget. You can also go for Apple if your tablet is an iPad, for instance. Apple will offer you a replacement deal.

Additionally, you can browse the most popular ones, such as Gazelle and Best Buy Trade-In, to make money in exchange for your tablet.

  • Recycling Websites

If you are not satisfied with the above options and still looking for a place where you can sell your tablet, well, at that point, you should consider mobile phone recycling firms that will buy your tablet directly, turning it into cash instantly. Nowadays, recycling companies have come online to make selling tablets easier and convenient. You need to approach one of the reputable recycling sites, then search for your tablet by entering its details into the search box. Once you did, you will get a quote for your tablet on the screen. If you agree with the price, then complete the sale procedure online. After this, you receive a postage envelope for sending your device off to the recycling company. Once they collect and check your tablet, you will get paid your price within 2-7 days.

Why Consider Comparison Website to Sell Your Old Tablet?

As there are many recycling websites out there, it can be challenging to find the best one. Well, big thanks to comparison websites that have made it easier than ever before. With a single click, you can get a quick and impartial comparison of top recycling sites and find the ultimate deal for your tablet. Comparison sites not only help you grab the highest price for your tablet but also save you time and effort. Just imagine yourself browsing each recycling website one by one manually to check out their recent deals. It will take a lot of time.

So, look for a comparison site and sell your old or even broken tablet at the highest price!

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