
Different Types of Traffic Offenses

traffic rules

Every country or state has specific laws to make sure people obey the traffic rules/regulations. If you violate those traffic rules, like exceeding the speed limit or driving without a license, it is a traffic offense. Moreover, if you are found guilty of committing a traffic offense, you may have to pay a huge penalty. Also, you may lose your driving license that can impact your personal life and employment.

Most of us know that we need to follow the traffic lights, stay off mobiles, etc. However, there is a lot more to traffic rules and regulations. Therefore, to ensure you don’t get issued a ticket on the spot or receive a notice, it is important to be aware of the traffic offenses. We have outlined the different types of traffic offenses in the list are below.

Dangerous Driving

Dangerous driving of the vehicle is considered one of the most serious traffic offenses. The term dangerous driving is used when the driver commits more than one traffic offense at once. The dangerous operation of the vehicle can be hazardous for the other drivers too.

Moreover, police don’t need any proof that you have injured anyone. But on the other hand, if you are found doing the following illegal activities, you can be charged with dangerous driving charges.

In addition, an accused driver may get a ticket at the spot or be charged with severe penalties or imprisonment depending on the offense’s intensity. And, you may have to fight against it with the help of a legal professional that may cost you a lot.

Running a red light

Another unlawful traffic activity that can put you in legal complications is crossing the red light. If you fail to stop at the red light, you might cause an accident or injure other people on the road. Therefore, if you are caught running the red light or a stop sign, you may face serious penalties or fines for your driving.

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Unlicensed driving

If a person drives without or with an invalid driving license, it falls into an unlicensed or disqualified driving offense. There are further subcategories for disqualified driving depending on why a person is driving without a valid license. Moreover, if you are disqualified by the court order but still caught driving on the road, it becomes a more serious offense. So, huge fines and imprisonment can be imposed on you if you are a repeat offender.

Excessively speeding up or too slow driving

Many of you must be aware that high speeding is a traffic offense, and you can get a ticket for it, but driving quite slowly can also raise problems for you. The traffic flow is affected in both cases, so officers won’t let you go without imposing fines. So, be careful when driving on the road and follow the speed limits specifically mentioned for the road you are driving on.

Careless driving

You may get charged if noticed driving with proper care and attention. Though this charge is not considered very serious, you may get an extensive disqualification period. In addition, if you are found at fault in an accident for careless driving issues, you have to face legal charges by the police.

Suppose police found you driving without reasonable consideration for the other road users walking or driving on the road. In that case, you may get a disqualification varying from one month to absolute disqualification.

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Drink driving

Many of you must be aware that high speeding is a traffic offense, and you can get a ticket for it, but driving quite slowly can also raise problems for you. The traffic flow is affected in both cases, so officers won’t let you go without imposing fines.

If you are found guilty of drunk driving, you may apply for the work license but make sure your application is well prepared and well presented to the magistrate.

Other traffic offenses

In addition to the traffic offenses mentioned above, some other unlawful activities come under traffic offenses like:

Evading police: It means failing to stop for the breath test or evade a police officer. If you avoid stopping when asked by the police officers or flee the situation, you may be charged with evading the police.

Failing in providing the sample: If a police officer asks to give the sample when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, but you refuse or fail to provide the saliva sample, then it can cause you six months disqualification and penalties up to imprisonment or fine.

Summing up

The traffic offenses can result in long periods of disqualification or affect your pocket, depending on the severity of the offense. Therefore, try your best to follow the traffic rules to save yourself from the hassle of penalties.

Moreover, if you have already got a ticket for any traffic offense, consult a law professional to reduce your penalty. Next time, stick to the rules to ensure your and others safety.

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