
Basic of Coding That All Children Should Learn

Basic of Coding That All children Should Learn

What are the basics of programming? How can they benefit a growing mind? If such questions are running around your mind, then this article is meant for you. This article will look at different basic coding concepts that each child requires to master to build a firm programming career foundation.

Many languages such as java, python, C, and C++ have a lot of familiar concepts. The concepts can also be applicable in logic and math; hence, learning them boosts a child’s intelligence drastically. It’s great if you can buy homework to give your child-free time to learn a new skill, as the only way to understand this concept is through programming. Coding provides visual and immediate feedback as the kid experiments with an idea. It hence increases the creativity of a child and their ability to think outside the box.

Let us look at different programming fundamentals that children should learn.


Many children are already applying algorithms in their life; it is only that they do not realize it when they go through a stepwise process to solve a task that is an algorithm implementation.

An algorithm example that children experience each day is the over and under the procedure of tying a shoe. However, most of them do not even have an idea of the algorithm; most have never even heard the word.

Algorithms are first introduced into kids’ life when they start learning to code. When coding, the children think more broadly about the algorithms to try and accomplish complex tasks. As they study more on implementing algorithms to achieve goals, they will also boost their ability to solve problems. Hence they will become better programmers and also better at solving everyday challenges.

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Sequencing goes hand in hand with algorithms. Once you identify the steps you need to solve a given problem, you require to arrange the process logically, and that is where sequencing comes into play.

For example, when children are playing with their Lego toys, they are provided with instructions in a specific order. They then have to follow this instruction to complete the game.

Algorithms and sequencing are closely related; hence they are taught together to save on time.


Children face different conditional dilemmas each day. For example, when they drop a book, they might decide to pick it up or leave it be, or if when writing assignments, they might decide to use either a pen or a pencil. All these are conditional dilemmas that require you to make a choice. When coding, this concept is put into actual practice but with more complex decisions.

Conditional concepts are the same across multiple programming languages; it is hence essential to teach kids this skill.

Loops in programming

Loops are vital in making a dynamic program; the funny thing is that children use them early without realizing it. For example, when playing board games, they tend to play in turns following a specific set order and going through this cycle until one of the players wins the game.

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In computer loops are implemented in a similar manner, a condition is set, and then the code executes a block of code continuously until it the set condition returns false, then it ends the loop.

Once a child learns and understands loops, they will be able to connect it with algorithms. Algorithms are built out of conditional statements, loops, and sequences. Hence once a child understands this concept, they will create an excellent algorithm within no time.


Coordinate is a term commonly used in math classes while dealing with planes. The knowledge learned in math can be put to practice in programming by positioning images on a screen.

Through coding, they will visualize the coordinate concept, and hence it will stick in their mind for a longer time. The best part is that the concepts of coordinates do not change across different languages; the syntax, however, might change.


Variables are closely related to mathematics; hence children having trouble in math classes might have difficulty understanding this concept.

However, when broken down from a programmers’ point of view, the concepts become easier to understand. The best part is that the knowledge learned while coding using variables can help students understand variables used in mathematics.


Programming is a great way to build creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Therefore, the fundamental skills discussed in this article are essential for any child who aspire to become a programmer.

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Basic of Coding That All children Should Learn
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