
3D-printed live bacteria creates world’s first “living tattoo”

Living tattoo

Experts have developed tattoos based on cells of live bacterial that change the colour; interestingly, it is developed through a 3d printer.

Regarding technology, experts from the world’s most prestigious Institute of Technology (MIT) have made the world the first living tattoos through 3D Printer.

This tattoo consists of live cells of bacteria and changes in colour after animated many ways, which changes can be used in many ways.

After developing consciousness in technology, many types of electronic sensors and stickers are being made that stick to human skin and keep in mind various matters as well. But MIT experts have created a tattoo from cells of genetically converted bacteria which are manufactured through the 3D printing machine. Due to the survival of bacteria, different chemicals represent different reactions and change colours.

There is also a reminder of Smart Ink around the globe that can make electrical circuits on the human body and clothes. In the new attempt, Scientists took cells for bacteria in the first phase. They chose them to be their most durable wall so that they can endure severe stress after going into the 3D-Printer and They quickly get into the bacterial printing hydrogels.

When the living tattoo was placed on the skin of the human hand, and the particular chemical was set, the bacteria branch branches started moving forward. This method can be used to improve medicine in the human body. The team thinks that the dream of making it a ‘live computer’ will also be embarrassed. In such a complex system, live organisms will exchange information similarly as microchips and transfers in the computer.

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Besides, a computer can be printed on the entire garment, and it can take the same thing that we take from today’s phone and laptop. It can also be used to diagnose patients in the field of medicine, and thus, it will be possible to save many precious lives.

The team of the engineers has realized now that live cells can be used as the responsive materials for 3D printed ink.

When this process was conducted, one of the other scientists realized that the cells of place where the tattoo was being printed on the Human hand/ other parts.

After the Practical scientist further gave information about 3D printed ink that it kills the cells of the human part.

As you know that the cell is a living organism because it grows and it needs energy, so when this ink is spread on the living cells, then the cells start dying the tattoo starts spreading on the part.

The team said these are the hardier type of cell, and we probably know that Bacteria can survive in the entire environment. Bacteria can survive in hot water and Coldwater.

I hope I have shared you the advanced information related to Technology and I am sure, now you’re looking for further details on this 3D printed ink.

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