
What Are Organic Pesticides and Why Use Them?

What Are Organic Pesticides and Why Use Them?

Have you ever wondered what farmers and gardeners did for pest control services hundreds of years ago? Before the invention and use of harmful chemical pesticides, gardeners and farmers had to make use of natural remedies to protect their plants and crops from an insect infestation, or what we know today as organic pesticides.

Organic pesticides for plants and crops can be considered as those made from natural ingredients. This does not mean that organic pesticides are chemical-free, however, it just means that the chemicals came from mineral and botanical sources. The chemicals present in organic pesticides break down more quickly than chemical pesticides which makes them less dangerous, but these must still be used very carefully.

Now that you have an idea what organic pesticides are, read on and find out why using them can be beneficial not just to you and your garden, but to your environment as well.


 Any form of organic pest control is generally much better for the environment than using chemical pesticides. When you use organic pesticides, soil and water contamination is reduced. The biological components present in organic pest control methods are usually harmless unless improperly used.

Here are a few more advantages related to sustainability when you use organic pesticides:

  • More fertile soil
  • Cleaner air
  • Beneficial insects are preserved
  • High-level of plant food nutrients
  • Reduced groundwater toxicity
  • Better quality produce
  • Lower soil contamination
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You are also doing a service to your fellow gardeners and farmers when you use organic pesticides because you are ensuring that your surroundings are safe for other plants to grow in.

Precise Targeting

When you use pesticides, you need to destroy only those organisms that are harmful to your plants. Organic pesticides provide a huge advantage because of their ability to precisely target only the pests and nothing more—a factor that the environment needs.

Precise targeting helps preserve other animal species that may not necessarily pose a threat to your plants such as reptiles, mammals, birds, and other non-targeted insects.  In fact, according to some studies, 97 percent of endangered species on this planet is threatened by extinction from only two extremely dangerous pesticides.

Wildlife greatly suffers from chemical and other harsh methods of pest control. Switching to organic pesticides can help prevent the indiscriminate killing of small animals and harmless insects.

 Health Benefits

 The term we probably relate the most to pesticides is cancer. The reason for this is that some studies have shown that cancer among children increases every year which may have been linked to the increased use of pesticides.

Organic pesticides reduce the risk of developing cancer through the consumption of agricultural products and significantly minimizes the risks of other diseases. According to medical studies, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides have been linked not just to cancer, but other diseases like:

  • Autism
  • Brain functionality issues
  • Breast cancer
  • Childhood leukemia
  • Depression
  • Prostate cancer
  • Various Birth defects
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Infertility
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Most, if not all of these terrifying diseases may be avoided with the use of organic pesticides as opposed to chemical pest control.

Key Takeaway

 While the use of organic pesticides provides a wide variety of benefits, it is important to establish that any type of pest control, organic or chemical, leaves a footprint on the earth and affects the environment. The effects could be beneficial for the user and the environment. The effects could also be dangerous both for the user and the environment. It is important for you to be sure and to be informed of the pest control you are using or you’re about to use.

 If you are having any doubts regarding your choice of chemicals, feel free to contact your local pest control service provider. Their opinion and expertise are invaluable when it comes to taking good care of your garden or crops.

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