
7 Golden Rules of Visual Hierarchy

7 Golden Rules of Visual Hierarchy

Visuals are said to create the maximum impact in the mind of the onlookers. The commandments of visual communication almost lead the art of designing. On the other hand, the visual hierarchy adds order and beauty to the design.

It offers to the eyes visual assistance depicting what information to linger onto as the vision glides through the information provided. It can be said that visual hierarchy is one of the most vital factors for effective web design.

Visual hierarchy lays down the path for the data to flow in so that it gets easily absorbed in the mind of the viewer. They are responsible for guiding the human eye from one element to the other for keeping them free of any visual fatigue, just like an invisible pointer. By adding hierarchy, you do not let the readers be intimidated by the clutter on the website.

So here are some of the essential principles by which you can implement the visual hierarchy on one’s website and lower the noise. These apply to both the web design as well as graphics. So just read on.


Our view is drawn automatically to specific interest points. While this is primarily dependent on the individual, but most tend to follow the set practice, which includes how a website is viewed. F-pattern and the Z-pattern are the two types of reading patterns for those cultures where people read from left to right. If you can align your text or design with these patterns of movement, it can help the content to be better acknowledged. If the visitor is not moving the way, you want to, then the A/B layouts of testing which follow these patterns can be a great bonus.

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Balance occurs when the components are said to be symmetrical in case of designs. This creates cohesion, order and harmony. You can have an asymmetry. On the other hand, that can give rise to visually exciting outcomes.

Golden Ratio

This is commonly found in nature and is nothing but a mathematical ratio. This is used in the classical theory of design for creating balanced compositions. Simply defined, it can be a layout that reminds one of a spiral. You can view it in case of seashells and flowers.

Focal Point

The focal point of the composition happens to be an area of interest that captures and retains the attention of the viewer. In the case of web design, it is an important form or call-to-action.


This is particularly great for representing relative significance. For example, understand if all the headings and subheadings are created with a specific colour and size. The user is likely to offer meaning after viewing a specified pattern. Similar is the case with the calls to action and for the links within the texts.

Visual Triangle 

A visual triangle occurs when you create three components for creating a triangle around the content that you need to highlight. It is a common technique of designing that is used in the case of scrapbooking.

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White Space 

White space in terms of web design happens to be the gap between columns, graphics, texts, margins, images and other elements. This is one of the most vital design tools as it controls the flow of a page and its readability and contributes to the right formation of the visual hierarchy. It helps to give the visitors time to breathe and help specific components to stand out.

The above are some of the golden rules of visual hierarchy that are followed by the most reputed company of web design in San FranciscoThough it can be said that there are no hard and fast rules that exist in this case, but it is quite challenging to break boundaries in a way that makes sense when you have no clear idea about where and what barriers exist.

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