
How Frameworks Play an Important Role in Website Development?


Hello all, want to know how important or what role does a framework plays in website development. Cool, let me tell you… So be ready to stick with this for next 3 minutes to know it all. Let’s start.

The framework was never been a must thing in website development but it helps a lot in website development for sure. It is not that you can’t make a website without a Web Dev framework, you can always make great websites even without the framework.

Ok, so you might be thinking now that, if we can make the site without the framework then what’s the need of all this hype around using a website development framework? Hold on, hold on… just keep reading, In the end, your all doubts will be cleared. Mark my words 🙂

Why Framework is Important for Web Development.

As I said earlier, Using Frameworks in web development helps a lot and provide a lot of convenience to the developers who are just there to make websites on a day to day basis.

A framework provides you the surety that you are creating the application which is up to the latest benchmarks and is up to date with the current business rules, that is structured, and that is both maintainable and upgradable.

Along with this, Framework also makes the website development work faster as it saves the time of the developers by providing various inbuilt modules so that developer can focus on other areas.

When you develop a website without using any framework, there is not any dedicated platform from where you can single-handedly manage all the files and things associated with the files. But this is not the case when you are using a dedicated framework.

A framework provides you with a better platform and ease of trying and implementing new things on your website without making any mess. If things go wrong, you can always revert it back.

In Short, Framework surely helps the developers in many ways and here are some of them…

Cost Reduction:

The cost factor is the key player in the field of website development especially in today’s time of ever-increasing competition. If you want to be on top in this competitive market then you must have to keep your development rates down. And this is very hard in the case when you are not using any framework for your development work.

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But here again, Framework plays an important role. Frameworks help in cost reduction, because, a developer can use a template which helps in saving resources. A programmer can use back-end development frameworks for a better and responsive website. These usages, greatly reduce the cost of the project.

Extensible Approach to Enhance it Even More

Making the website with the help of a framework is always helps in the development because of the extensible approach of the framework. Every framework is extensible. It can be extended easily with new updates and code reforms which will help in increasing the efficiency and productivity of both, the developer and the framework. New advancements are easy to apply and maintain a framework and the best thing is that, that the developer need not learn or develop everything from scratch.

Layout Builder and Drag and Drop Functionality

The framework also provides you the inbuilt layout builder which helps you in creating the layout of any page of the website just by dragging and dropping the elements you want on your page.

Usually, all the web development framework follows the WYSIWYG approach that allows the developer to see what the end result will look like while the interface or document is being created.

On the other hand, If you are making a website without any framework, you need to code everything manually and save it to preview the changes.  There is no real-time preview of your website current development process.

Responsive Layout and SEO Optimized

Websites built with the framework are generally more responsive than the sites which are not made by using the framework. Why? There is a reason for that.

The framework provides you the default settings, CSS and various javascript files which helps the developers to use the already present resources and make a fully responsive website in a much more faster way. Along with this, the framework also helps in making the website SEO optimized. All the major SEO guidelines are pre-built in the framework and the website using that framework inherits the same automatically.

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Flexibility to Full Customization

Opening each file manually and making changes in lines of code, every time we need to have some changes in the features is a very hectic job and no one wants to do it. Here also Framework helps you as it lets you to customize the whole website with just some clicks. There is no need to and change the code every time you want to have some change in your website.

Features like color, background, font, font size, font color etc. can easily be customized in just seconds.

Note: If you are looking for a fully customizable framework then you must have to check out the latest released Astroid framework by Joomdev. Astroid is the free, fast and flexible framework specially designed to make the development of website and templates easier, faster and robust.

Pre-designed Layouts and Extensions

The best thing about the framework is that it comes with the various predefined layout, setting them is so easy you just select the layout which you want and save. That’s it, your work is done. You can imagine the time and complexity required to do the same if there is no framework involved.

Beside this, features of adding extensions and modules into the framework are always appreciated. These features help to increase the efficiency and productivity of the framework. Whereas this is not possible outside the framework development.


In short, frameworks are not must but are the crucial elements in the web development life cycle. Without the framework, websites can be made but it will require more effort, more time,  and most importantly a lot of hard work to create the same things again and again.

About the Author:

This article is written by Naveen Kumar. He is a digital marketer by profession and blogger by passion and kind by nature. If you are looking for responsive Joomla templates, Naveen has a great collection of templates at JoomDev. Apart from working on Joomla templates, he stays busy with his naughty kid Nainish and loves to convert ideas into reality.

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